Custard opening on the Westside.
Vintage Frozen Custard, launched as a food truck in 2012, is entering the big leagues with a bricks & mortar location on Atlanta's westside. The new Vintage Frozen will open at 1021 Howell Mill Road, or more precisely, the space most recently occupied by Ben's Brown Bag. The space has also previously played host to Curly's Fried Chicken, and before that LeRoy's Fried Chicken.
Vintage Frozen will lease their space from The Fellini's Pizza / La Fonda owners who operated LeRoy's. I'd expect the new Vintage Frozen to open within eight weeks.
As of now, Vintage Frozen sells only two flavors, chocolate and vanilla, but that could very well change when the actual location opens. A scoop sells for $2.50, well below that of recent westside purveyor, Jenni's Splendid Ice Cream, where a single scoop sells for a whopping $3.75.
With Jenni's open in Westside Provisions, and soon Vintage, and Yoforia serving frozen yogurt in between the two, the residents of the westside have some pretty "sweet" neighbors.
Jeni's is worth every penny.
I agree with Anon. Jeni's is awesome. I was lucky enough to attend her opening party, where she was giving out free ice cream and I met Jeni herself. Her staff, her product, everything is just amazing and worth the premium price.
Wish Vintage better luck in that space than some of the prior tenants (RIP Ben's). And for their sake, they hopefully will get a lot of spillover from La Fonda, because with four (maybe five) parking spots, it's a tough destination opposed to walking over from next door.
Maybe if they do really well, they'll take over the shuttered Sheridan's in Tucker for their second storefront. Miss that custard...
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