The Square Pub will soon open at 115 Sycamore Street in downtown Decatur. The Pub will be taking space that was most recently Birdi's and before that Caribbean Harry's. The space is located in the heart of the square and has plenty of potential. With local favorites Leon's Full Service and the Brick Store Pub not far away, not to mention the upcoming relocation and expansion of Cakes & Ale, they will will have competition, but I feel like the concept will work if managed properly. The concept is said to be an "American style pub with Southwest influence." The pub already has a Facebook page up so that you can monitor their progress. With a lease having just been signed and building permits awaiting approval, I'd expect that they may be open by early November. ToNeTo Atlanta
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Ditto about Mac McGee's. When I saw the red paint job for the Square Pub I thought Mac was expanding. Oh, well. A southwestern style restaurant on the square might be a good addition. Good luck, that location is cursed.
You forgot about Mac McGee's next door to it. They are a wonderful Irish Pub.
IIRC, this was most recently the ill conceived, and briefly lived, Pharmhouse.
Birdi's and Caribbean Harry's preceeded them.
Ditto about Mac McGee's. When I saw the red paint job for the Square Pub I thought Mac was expanding. Oh, well. A southwestern style restaurant on the square might be a good addition. Good luck, that location is cursed.
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