You may or may not have heard but a place called Sno*Flake opened and closed in Inman Park this past year. A wannabe knockoff of Suno, Sno*Flake never really had any significant business and its closure was far from shocking.
What is shocking, is what's now replacing it: Big Zhaddy's Place. The restaurant's ownership group relocated from Maryland to open the restaurant. In Maryland, they ran Hidden Treasure Cafe, a generic looking cafe with some less than favorable Yelp reviews.
I like to think of myself as pretty "in the know" and knowledgeable but found myself Googling "Zhaddy" and the results were interesting... According to Urban Dictionary, Zhaddy is defined:
"To have a boyfriend/husband that takes great care of you, or sexually you call your partner zhadday, the same as daddy except the z makes it more sexual."
Seems a little odd for a restaurant name, especially in the Inman Park neighborhood, but hey, maybe the food will just be that good that you wont care about the name's sexual reference.
Supposedly opening sometime next month, I'm gonna stop short of calling them Stillborn material but definitely have reservations about the concept, the location and the name.
Do you live nearby? Are you scratching your head at the name? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.
Curious. The Hidden Treasure Cafe Facebook page shows they just closed shop there March 3rd and they are already hiring here? Wonder when they will be open. Not that I plan to check it out. It's going to have to get rave reviews for quite awhile before I'm going to venture into a place with that name and image. Kind of a scary looking dude.
Looks like a front to something shady...
Sounds retarded. Why don't they go back to Maryland and open it up in ghetto Baltimore.
Do they realize they are setting up shop in Inman Park, not College Park?? What type of place is this going to be anyways? Doesn't sound like it fits in with the neighborhood at all.
GIVE THEM A CHANCE PEOPLE! Maybe they'll serve awesome food. Why all the negativity?
These negative commenters sound like nervous "not-in-my-neighborhood" white people. Relax.
I don't want to "give them a chance." I am sick of all the social dysfunction from the rest of the country moving to MY hometown after they've rendered their own hometowns uninhabitable.
I'm scurred.
I'm told their Maryland restaurant was good. A friend there said so. That's a big-ass knife that dude has.
Don't chefs use knives though and whisks what's the big deal it looks pretty cool if it gordon ramsey would it be so bad if the food is as bad as you guys feel the picture is so be it
Don't chefs use knives come on the whole deal looks cool to me if it was world famous gordon ramsey no one would blink an eye twice and if the food is good I welcome it
I am an avid reader of your blog and visit daily. I have to say, the tone of this article and the comments are disgusting. If you were so intrigued about the origin of the restaurant's name, why not reach out to him. I read about the restaurant on another site yesterday and saw this:
“I am a big guy,” Joseph explained in an interview Monday. “My oldest daughter who is now fourteen, used to call me ‘zhaddy’ because she couldn’t pronounce the ‘d’ in ‘daddy’ when she was three or four.”
I'm happy Joseph and Ginelle Brome are following their dreams and taking a chance.
If you would like for your blog to be reputable and non-bias, at least reach out to owners or sample their food before pronouncing them a "stillborn" and twisting a tribute to his daughter into something sexual.
@Anon RE: blog,
I appreciate what you are saying and that fact that you visit (the blog) as often as you do.
The posting was put together with the facts available at the time of publishing. Similar to the post I did on Three Sheets, there are two sides to every story and of course, each is open to interpretation and or explanation. The name may very well be what he says. I published my post with what I could find, and that was the UD definition.
Either way, I think the location is odd and upon reading the Yelp reviews from their previous business, I'm a little worried.
I wish em all the best but yes, do wonder how long they will actually last.
I assume this place is called Zhaddy's versus Daddy's because the owner is obviously Heavy D. Heavy D was the leader of Heavy D and the Boyz. He's just continuing to show his love for the letter Z.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my 4:56p post.I still support you and will continue to view your blog for information.
Off topic: I hope you can get us some juicy deets about new developments to the midtown mile area, soon. I work with most of those developers and they are so damn tightlipped about everything. You'd think they'd leak tidbits here and there to keep the energy up.
Checked out yelp review looks like 3 out of 4 were pretty positive and all others on yahoo even better I am familiar with the place in maryland and this guys heart is as big as he is I can't believe this is southern hospitality I am sure you will soon agree that what we in highland md miss is truly gonna be a treasure to you oh and the picture is alittle scary but nothing like what youmeet good luck you guys will always be remembered
Yes, I too would love to hear about the Midtown Mile. There was a Business Chronicle article 2 months ago that stated they would announce new retailers in 30-60 days. Well... I think it's about 60 days or already past that. You've got some connections, right? Please try to find out something!
Hello to those wanting info on Midtown Mile,
I wont make promises I can't keep like the mentioned paper. I will say, it has not been easy getting people lined up for Midtown Mile. STK for one is still in the pre-planning stages given a dispute regarding now over-budget constructions costs. Hopefully they get going soon as work as a linchpin for future would-be tenant signings. I've heard plenty of rumors but nothing concrete. When I have more than some neighborhood guy telling me there is a Mac store opening, I'll report on it.
Thanks for the questions and comments and for reading the blog.
I don't understand how it is so hard to get retailers lined up on the Midtown Mile, especially 12th & Midtown. The population is there! The demographics are favorable. I don't get it!!!
The economy is decayed right now. There really isn't any incentive to do much until things get better.
I hope these people fail.
Can't you just tell us what the rumors are anyways? I don't care if they are true or not, I just want to hear something about the Midtown Mile area. Thanks!
@ Anon,
OK... Here's what I can tell ya. Marc Jacobs is definitely off the table as is Prada. Apple may still come though its unclear which building they will be in. (Parking will be an issue for them) D&G is possible but not definite.
Thanks for your interest in the blog. Hope this helps.
I'm from Maryland, owned a shop right next door to Hidden Treasure - WE MISS THEM TERRIBLY! Their family is AMAZING and their food is TO DIE FOR - we used them for catering and had lunch there practically daily. Its true that they have big hearts and offer a warm and happy place to be - with custom food that is mouth watering! And, for your information, the community is an mostly white, affluent, small town area -check it out Highland, MD (not like that should matter) *Not* ghetto Baltimore or College Park. The picture was taken as a fun, edgy marketing piece done by Mike Stog Photography. If you knew Gerald, you know this is smart and funny. Check them out - you'll love them!
It's pretty sad to know that people go straight to the "urban dictionary" just because the owner is black. I was raised in a racial home, but guess what? I grew up!
The name "Zhaddy" is what Gerald's daughter used to call him...
Give poeple a chance!
I am the SYE of the Sye-Cumberbatch wedding review on UrbanSpoon (http://www.urbanspoon.com/u/reviews/704450). I had the opportunity to speak to Gerald about the circumstances surrounding the aforementioned, and believe we came to an accord. I wish Gerald well in his endeavors in Atlanta.
And to Gerald (if you're reading this), we did indeed find a caterer for the wedding - Spilled Milk Catering. Amit and his team were able to hit the ground running, and as such, earned themselves a invitation to bid for the Christmas party of the Marriott subsidiary, Avendra. Sources say that Avendra's party was such a success, Spilled Milk caught the eye of Marriott Corporate, and are now doing quite well from referrals.
But hey - that's the past. Again, hope you do well in Atlanta.
This place closed. FYI.
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